Months of wearing a retainer to fix the underbite . . . $$$$
Two years worth of wearing braces . . . $$$$
40 or more visits to the Orthodontist.
A perfect smile on your daughter's face . . . .PRICELESS!
Everything is OK. Love, God
5 years ago
Wow, Rachael looks a lot like Holly. Also, your smile is very lovely! Keep wearing your retainers so your teeth don't shift and mess up your pretty smile :o)
I can't believe how much Rachael looks like Holly in this picture!! And what a beautiful smile on her! I remember getting my braces off - it was FABULOUS!
Beautiful, beautiful, and did you grow up by 5 years? You are just the cutest girl. Richard better get his mean look working for the line up of boys that will be at the front door!!!!!!
Do you know that country song about the Dad "just cleaning this gun". He has started looking for a gun, so he'll be prepared.
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