Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

It is interesting how Christmas has evolved at our house. Early in our marriage, the kids were up and r eady to see what they had gotten from Santa, VERY, VERY early. Then a couple of years later, we had to drag them out of bed when Rachael woke up. Now the older kids are all gone, and Richard and I have a leisure morning waiting for Rachael to get up. I am sure a few years down the road things will change some again.

Santa did find his way to our house and we all got things from him. We had fun opening our presents from each other and enjoying our surprises.

Richard got the family a new waffle iron for Christmas and it was a BIG hit. He made us waffles for breakfast. I didn't realize how much I've missed having them since our waffle iron died a while back, until he cooked them for breakfast. It was a GREAT gift.

We spent the afternoon at my parents in Bountiful, opening presents from them and playing a card game called "Five Crowns". We had a lot of fun, I think we may need to get that game for our house.

The grandsons were here when we got home so we watched them open some presents and then played games on the WII with them the rest of the evening.

Christmas was GREAT!


motherofangels said...

I used to play five crowns with my mom. I bet she would love to play with you!

Elizabeth Schatz said...

First off-Rachael, I am soooo jealous! I love your footie pajamas! Hooray for Richard for his watch and I love your new plaid shirt! You will look so pretty in that.
And...we are so glad you like the magnet/chalkboard. Lexie helped with all of the red paint. She loved it!
I'm so happy that you had a great Christmas-Happy New Year!

Callidora said...

I got the penguin footy pajamas. Now Rachael and I will have to have a footy pajama party!