Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mt Timpanogos Marching Band Competition 10-08-11

The Mt Timpanogos Marching Band Competiton is put on by American Fork High School Marching Band.  That means that the Mom's and Dad's spend the day helping at the competition and the kids get to sleep in, and then go on a date afterwards.  But Richard and I had a lot of fun helping for the day. 

Richard spent the day helping in the parking lot, getting the buses and semi's parked into the lot.  I spent the first few hours of my day watching the far side of the stadium to make sure the people who came to sit there at a ticket.  Since the crowds are very big during the first hours of the competition there is plently of room on the main side of the stadium, so all I did was watch the show from the back side.  Cush job - sitting down and seeing the show from the back. 

My next three hour stint was on the side of the stadium.  The stadium is very open and people could just come stand there and watch.  I had to encourage people to buy a ticket and go inside to watch.  Most of the time I just sat and watched the show from the side.  Worked perfect for me.

Then it was time to unload our semi and wait for our kids to arrive

By the time our kids performed it had cooled down and I was really glad that I had my coat.  I had paid attention to the weather report for the day and knew that it was going to get cold, so I had picked up a case of hand warmers to share with all of the girls after they performed.

The girls all warmed up before the show.

Yup - That is all four caption awards

Best Music
Best Percussion
Best Visual



One of the traditions at the marching band competitions is that the band that wins FIRST PLACE, does an encore performance of their show.  When we win we usually do it in the parking lot near our buses.  We then just play the music in a concert arc.  But since this was our home show the band did something different, the still played the music in a concert arc, but the Color Guard did their 'work' behind the band.  It let me get up close to take some pictures.

What a wonderful day.  We got to help to make the whole show a success and to watch our group of kids win.  Days don't get much better than this.


Jessi B said...

SO AWESOME!!!! And I LOVED being able to watch Rachael in the salutes. I'm sure the rest of the band and color guard are honored to have such an awesome leader in Rachael! SO PROUD of you! LOVE YOU!

Elizabeth Schatz said...

We Are AWESOME! Thanks for posting these pictures and sharing your pride and hard work with us!
P.S.Rachael looks great!