Sunday, January 22, 2012

So Glad We Could Help!

Part of having a daughter in the American Fork High School Winter Guard is the opportunity to help with things.

Like uniforms,

We finished 14 white feather pieces  and 13 black feather pieces for the tutu skirt.

And painting floors

first you repair the holes in the floor

then you let a bunch of people start painting

Even Rachael got in on the fun.

Then you move to the other gym and start on the 2nd floor, after the holes have been taped, the floor is moped. 

Then the painging begins, even Briggs, came by and helped.
Rachael playing supervisor.
It is a beautiful BLUE floor - the Independent Guard will use this one.
This floor will be used by Rachael's Guard - it is looking GREAT!

1 comment:

Leake's said...

Holy work! I thought drill was a lot of work. You guys are surpassing anything I helped with at drill. So many memories in the making. Way Cool!