Saturday, February 6, 2010

My friend Lexie

Lexie is 9 years old.

Lexie is Autistic.

Lexie is my friend.

For a couple of years now, Rachael and I have sat in front of Lexie in church. She is a cute girl who made noise, but didn't really say much. Last year about Christmas time, we started to hear her say things. Rachael and I would look at each other and say did Lexie just say "dog" or "Tinkerbell" or Snow White". We found it so exciting that Lexie was saying a few words. One Sunday we heard her clear as day say "I Love You" to her Mom. It was a magical moment for us as I am sure that it was for her Mom. Rachael and I love sitting in front of Lexie.

Last fall, the Bishop called me into his office to giv me a new calling. My new calling was to be Lexie's Primary helper. I get to sit with Lexie in Primary and help her. I was very excited about this calling. I have never had a greater calling than to help with Lexie, she shares so much love. I walk down the hall with her, putting my arm around her and she puts her arm around me. Sometimes she just stops and puts both arms around me and gives me a big hug.

Lexie loves Books - all books - but mostly she loves the Disney Princess books. She reads the "Once Upon a Time" when it is in the story. She points to the pictures and tells me who they are. she has me write things on a white board, and she knows if I miss something.

Lexie likes to be just like the rest of the kids, when the rest of the Primary class is noisey, Lexie gets noisey, which makes the rest of her class get noisier (is that even a real word?) So sometimes when the class gets to loud, Lexie and I leave. We find a small garbage can and we go back into the chapel and do a service project. I find programs that people have left int he chapel and give them to Lexie and she puts them in the garbage can. She gets a beautiful smile on her face as we help.

Sometimes I am able to go to "Acitivty Days" with Lexie, here are some pictures from an Activity in December. We made cookies and delivered them to some families in our ward. Lexie had a lot of fun and so did I.

Lexie has started saying my name now - It is so exciting for her to look right at me and say "Holly".

Thanks Lexie for being my friend.

1 comment:

Leake's said...

Holly, you are amazing. Lexie just knows that!