Thursday, December 29, 2011


As part of the Rose Parade trip we will be spending 2 days at the


We started our Disneyland day with Rachael and her friend Kylee joining us in the park.

We had Grandma and Grandpa with us

Rachael and Dad

Rachael and Mom

Rachael and Jessica

We all did a couple of rides together, then split up going our own directions.  The girls had to eat lunch then meet up with the rest of the band members.  Richard and Jessica went "Back Stage" to help unload the trailer.  I found Mom and Dad and we had lunch then found a spot to watch  the parade.   WHAT A CROWD - people stopped everywhere along the parade route waiting to watch the


ok - maybe some of them were waiting for the  Disney Main Street Parade, but I like to think they were all really here just to watch the my Rachael march  down Main Street Disney.

This was our first glimpse.  I can just see the tip of the Rose Parade flag, and I knew the rest of the Color Guard was back there.   Just the small sight of the tip of that flag brough tears to my eyes.

Then the big gate swung open and out they marched.

The tears are still flowing as I watch that beautiful ROSE PARADE flag, followed by the banner, next comes the Rifle section of the Color Guard.  They are marching just the way they do at home.  Rifles, band, then flags.    All too soon, the band had all marched past us, and the flag section was marching by. 

All too soon, they had all passed us and continued on towards Main Street.  The tears stopped flowing and I was full of pride in the American Fork High School Color Guard and Marching Band, they marched at DISNEYLAND!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Schatz said...

Rachael's looking good! I loved the video...thanks for sharing!